Twisted Focus was born when five friends felt the need to make their own kind of twisted theatre –something contemporary, accessible, in your face that uses music, movement and media to tell new stories in new ways.

A few months later after lots of rehearsing, eating, drinking and talking over each other we’re well into devising our first show and ready to get twisted.....Welcome to our blog!

Here we’ll keep you updated on all Twisted news.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Twisted Rehearsal Update

All last week TwistedFocus had the lovely privilege of being in the spacious rooms of the LAB. Once there we set up the video camera and got the apples rolling!

We were working on getting some of our shorter scenes on their feet. It was great to start moving some of our ideas but by nine each night we were wrecked we still had a laugh eh Caoimhe....!

We got our good friend Paul in one of the days to be our techie, he helped us take some different shots of us during our movement piece that we want to play around with and use for the projection on the wall eventually!Ken joined us on the Wensday and we got a bit distracted taking some maybe promotional snaps of him!!

All in all it was a very productive few nights and we are more sure than ever on the way our play is going and figured out our set!!Cant wait for some more valuable time like that when we hit up Lahinch once again!!

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